Jasmeen is in her final semester of studies in (Hons) BA Political Science. Currently, she is a research assistant with both the Social and Political Psychology (SPP) Lab and the Sexuality Hub: Integrating Feminist Theory (SHiFT) Lab at Ryerson. She holds a writing internship with the Borgen Project, and also works as senior editor at New World Affairs.
Jasmeen hopes to employ her education in political science, and her extensive research and writing experience to study political science at the masters level. Her interests include Canadian systems of governance, political theory – specifically critical race theory and postcolonial theory, and comparative politics. At present, she aims to utilize her knowledge of political systems and theory, as well as her experience working in the media, and her former experience as an RA in a behavioural psychology lab (BEE lab) to support Arvin’s PhD thesis which focuses on using the collection of behavioural data on social media to identify sources of misinformation (oftentimes political) online.