Ideology is a powerful force in peoples’ lives. In our lab, we examine antecedents (e.g. risk perception, threat, cognitive ability), correlates, and outcomes of sociopolitical ideologies. We have studied the role of ideology in collective action (Choma et al, 2020; Choma et al., 2021), voting (Choma & Hanoch, 2017; Ganzach, Hanoch, & Choma, 2018), and support for environment attitudes and behaviour (Currie & Choma, 2018; Choma et al., 2016). Some of our recent research is investigating the role of ideology in support for democracy.
Currently, Dr. Becky Choma (PI) and Dr. Gordon Hodson (Co-PI, Brock University) are exploring whether ideologically-related distress differences explain public policy relevant attitudes and behaviours like opposition to climate-change interventions. This research is funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Insight Grant.